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My recommendations: Dan Quirk's artworks

If you are looking for inspiration for an 3D anatomy tattoo / an anatomy-tattoo or if you are searching for a crazy make-up for the Halloween-party, you should check out this websites:

Dan Quirk is a graphic artist who exposes the human anatomy in a harmless and interesting way while using the human body as his pallet. Elaborately exposing life-like muscles and ligaments across an uncut pallet of human skin, artist Danny Quirk's recreation of the human body opened up reveals beauty to be more than skin deep. Painting a thin layer of the stretchy liquid over his models, his detailed work amazingly promises no pain despite the perceived exposure of their spines, jaws, arteries and other anatomical pieces. When it's finished, the designs simply peel off. (source:

Below you can see several examples of Dan Quirk�s artworks. I've selected only a few images from his collection. For more images, visit the original photo-gallery at this address:

My recommendations: Dan Quirk's artworks My recommendations: Dan Quirk's artworks Reviewed by Unknown on February 23, 2015 Rating: 5

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